how unl festyled came into existence
I was sitting at a not-very-entertaining women in leadership seminar, scrolling through Instagram and glancing at post after post of white walls (sans fingerprints) and perfect gardens (sans weeds) and it occurred to me, this sterile world is a poor excuse for an ocular escape from a boring women's conference. What is the deal with all of this perfection? Is anyone really buying this perfectly clean organized lifestyle imagery that is tossed around like confetti these days? It cannot be! Who has time for that much perfection? And if you do, how do you have time for anything else?
Why aren't we celebrating life's messiness? Where's the Instagram page full of messy floors and broken plumbing? I thought, someone should start a lifestyle empire featuring the imperfections that fill most regular people's lives. And given that I was at a women's seminar on leadership, I figured that person might as well be me. I'm the perfect candidate: my life is highly unorganized, slightly messy and I'd say pretty darn happy. I would wager that more folks are like me than like these other lifestyle fakey-fakes out there.
So I created the first piece of this new venture, the Unlifestyled Instagram feed. I honestly couldn't believe that in 2020 the name wasn't already taken, but there you have it! It was meant to be. Chances are you found this website from that Instagram feed, so to you I say, welcome!
And the creativity didn't stop there. I began writing books that make fun of life's messiness too. Kids books, cookbooks, coloring books and an organizational planner for messy people. They're all here for your reading enjoyment, so please, support this broke writer's imperfect lifestyle by purchasing some. They're all ... well they're all books.
Join me, wont you? As I photograph and write and give fellow averages some relatable content with which to celebrate our unperfected lifestyles. Now is our time to shine! Speaking of, it's time to change our kitty's litter, so I'm off to do that very glamorous task right this minute. Jealous?

the person behind the posts
Hi! I'm A.P. DeRosier and I'm a free-time writer/ full-time worker, wife, stepmom and messy lady. I am wife, stepmom, and fur baby mom to Lucy (fluffy doggo), Stella (scruffy doggo) and Buttercup (monster cat).
Check out what others are saying about A.P. DeRosier:
“She is one of my children.”
-- A.P. DeRosier's mother
“What? I’m working.”
-- A.P. DeRosier's Husband
"I think you're doing a good job."
-- A.P. DeRosier's Step Daughter